Al and ML Strategy Consulting

Drive digital transformation with AI and ML strategy consulting

Transform your business with tailored AI/ML strategies. Accelerate innovation, optimize operations, and boost your investment’s ROI with expert guidance every step of the way.

Deliver measurable impact with intelligent solutions

Solve your biggest challenges


Scalable icon dark

Build responsibly, scale effectively

We knew we had something special with Nerdery. Smart, passionate and quality people who were invested in the success of our project and the long-term commitment it would take to get there.

– CEO of fleet management software company

Transforming roadway asset management with AI with Google Cloud

A state transportation department sought to modernize its asset management processes, which relied heavily on manual labor to identify and catalog roadway assets. Through a Proof-of-Concept (POC), the department tested an AI-powered solution to detect and analyze images to automatically identify roadway assets. This innovative approach automates a traditionally time-intensive task. The POC demonstrated significant potential, delivering increased efficiency, improved data accuracy, and deeper insights into asset conditions. These results highlight the transformative power of AI in enhancing transportation infrastructure management.

Maximize value with expert AI/ML strategy consulting

Platform selection and implementation

Select and implement scalable AI/ML platforms that seamlessly integrate into your existing ecosystem — future-proofing your operations for long-term growth.

Rapid prototyping and POCs

Build trust through ethical AI

Foster transparency, fairness, and accountability in your AI/ML systems. With ethical guidelines and frameworks, your solutions will inspire stakeholder confidence and align with your values.

AI is the key to transformative business growth


Three-quarters of all respondents expect gen AI to cause significant or disruptive change in the nature of their industry’s competition in the next three years.*


87% of organizations achieved measurable value from data and analytics investments in 2024.**


Three in four (74%) organizations have seen investments in generative AI and automation meet or exceed expectations.***

*The state of AI in 2023: Generative AI’s breakout year, Mckinsey
**2024 Data and AI Leader Executive Survey, Wavestone
***Reinventing Enterprise Operations with Gen AI, Accenture


How do I know if my business is ready for AI/ML?

Timelines vary based on scope and complexity. Our approach emphasizes rapid prototyping and phased rollouts, ensuring quick wins while laying a foundation for long-term success.

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