Explainable AI: The Future of Responsible and Ethical AI

Justin Richie

Justin Richie

Vice President of Data and AI

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Introducing ethical and explainable AI concepts for GCP to help ensure consumer success and visibility into predictions.

What is Explainable AI (xAI)?

Explainable AI refers to a set of processes and methods that aim to provide a clear and human-understandable explanation for the decisions generated by AI and machine learning models.

Integrating an explainability layer into these models, Data Scientists and Machine Learning practitioners can create more trustworthy and transparent systems to assist a wide range of stakeholders such as developers, regulators, and end-users.

Building Trust Through Explainable AI

Here are some explainable AI principles that can contribute to building trust:

  • Transparency. Ensuring stakeholders understand the models’ decision-making process.
  • Fairness. Ensuring that the models’ decisions are fair for everyone, including people in protected groups (race, religion, gender, disability, ethnicity).
  • Trust. Assessing the confidence level of human users using the AI system.
  • Robustness. Being resilient to changes in input data or model parameters, maintaining consistent and reliable performance even when faced with uncertainty or unexpected situations.
  • Privacy. Guaranteeing the protection of sensitive user information.
  • Interpretability. Providing human-understandable explanations for their predictions and outcomes.

GCP’s Vertex AI tackles AI ethics by providing tools and methodologies for model explainability (like SHAP and LIME values), ensuring transparency (through model cards), facilitating bias detection and mitigation, adhering to regulatory standards, and empowering users to enforce their ethical guidelines. These aspects are crucial for developing and deploying AI systems that are effective but also fair, accountable, and transparent.


Making AI more explainable and ethical

Google’s Vertex AI includes Explainable AI (xAI) features that provide insights into how models make decisions. Explainable AI (xAI) tools offer visual explanations and score attributions, helping users understand the reasoning behind model predictions.

  • Model Cards and Transparency: Model cards are another tool in Vertex AI for promoting ethical AI. They are detailed documents accompanying models that describe their use case, development process, performance metrics, and ethical considerations. This transparency is crucial for users to understand, trust, and use AI responsibly.
  • Bias Detection and Mitigation: Vertex AI provides tools to detect and mitigate bias in machine learning models. This involves analyzing training datasets for imbalances and monitoring model performance across different demographic groups to ensure fairness.
  • Regulatory Compliance and Guidelines: Google aligns Vertex AI with various regulatory requirements and ethical guidelines. This includes compliance with GDPR for data protection and adhering to fairness, accountability, and transparency in AI development.
  • User Empowerment for Ethical AI: Vertex AI also empowers users to implement ethical guidelines and checks. The platform’s flexibility allows integration with external tools and methodologies for custom ethics and governance protocols, enabling organizations to uphold their specific standards for responsible AI.

How to secure data for AI

  • Model Training on GCP Vertex AI: GCP (Google Cloud Platform) Vertex AI provides an integrated machine learning platform for training, hosting, and managing ML models. It offers scalable and efficient training options, allowing users to train models using custom or pre-built algorithms on Google’s infrastructure. Users can take advantage of distributed training, hyperparameter tuning, and AutoML features for optimized model performance.
  • Security Features in Vertex AI: Vertex AI emphasizes security at multiple levels. It offers robust access control with Identity and Access Management (IAM), ensuring only authorized users can access resources. Data encryption is provided both in transit and at rest, protecting sensitive information. Vertex AI complies with various standards and regulations, including GDPR and HIPAA, to ensure data privacy and security.
  • AI Ethics and Responsible AI in Vertex AI: Google prioritizes AI ethics in Vertex AI through tools and guidelines that encourage responsible AI development. Features like the What-If Tool and Model Cards provide transparency in model behavior and performance, helping to identify and mitigate biases. 
  • Integration with Google Cloud Security Tools: Vertex AI is integrated with other Google Cloud security tools like Security Command Center and VPC Service Controls, providing a comprehensive security environment. This integration allows for consistent policy enforcement, monitoring for security threats, and secure connectivity to other Google Cloud services.
  • Privacy and Data Governance in Vertex AI: Vertex AI supports privacy and data governance by allowing users to control and monitor their data. It includes features like managed data labeling for training datasets ensuring data privacy during the labeling process. Vertex AI’s integration with Data Catalog and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API also helps classify and protect sensitive data, aiding in compliance and data governance.

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Model Explainability Detailed


Shapley or SHAP (Shapley Additive Explanations)  values, originating from cooperative game theory, are used in machine learning to explain the output of models. They help in understanding the contribution of each feature in the dataset to the prediction made by the model. This method aims to explain the prediction of an instance/observation by computing the contribution of each feature to the prediction.

Use of Shapley Values in AI Ethics

  • Application in Vertex AI: In Vertex AI, Shapley values can be used to interpret model predictions. This is particularly useful for complex models like deep neural networks or ensemble methods, where understanding how different features influence the output is not straightforward.
  • Ethical Implications: By using Shapley values, data scientists and developers can identify if certain sensitive features (like race, gender, or age) are disproportionately influencing the model’s predictions, which could lead to biased or unfair outcomes. This insight enables teams to adjust the model or its training data to reduce bias and ensure more ethical outcomes.


LIME, which stands for Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations, is a technique used to explain machine learning model predictions. Google Cloud Platform (GCP), particularly in its Vertex AI environment, may utilize LIME as part of its suite of tools for model interpretability. Here’s how LIME is generally used in the context of GCP and model interpretability.

  • Model-Agnostic Approach: LIME is designed to be model-agnostic, meaning it can be used with any machine learning model, regardless of its complexity or algorithms. This flexibility is particularly valuable in GCP’s Vertex AI, which supports various machine-learning models.
  • Local Explanations: LIME provides explanations for individual predictions (local explanations) rather than trying to interpret the entire model (global explanation). This is particularly useful in understanding why a model made a specific prediction for a particular instance.
  • Working Mechanism: LIME works by perturbing the input data (changing it slightly) and observing how these changes affect the model’s predictions. It then uses these observations to train a simple, interpretable model (like a linear regression or decision tree) that approximates the projections of the complex model locally around the input instance.

Explainable AI (xAI) unlocks a new level of trust and transparency in AI systems. By understanding how AI models arrive at decisions, stakeholders can make informed choices and ensure fair, ethical outcomes.

Google Cloud’s Vertex AI empowers developers and data scientists with Explainable AI (xAI) tools like SHAP and LIME values, enabling them to interpret model behavior and identify potential biases. Additionally, model cards promote transparency, while bias detection and mitigation functionalities ensure responsible AI development.


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