How to Utilize AI Principles for Design and Development

Adam MarksTrevor TilleryBen Elkind

Adam Marks

Trevor Tillery

Ben Elkind

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Embracing an attitude of experimentation and curiosity allows us to be more efficient and productive while keeping us competitive and informed in the product design and technology space.

At Nerdery, we’re providing more value for our clients by combining the power of artificial intelligence and automation with human ingenuity.

We find ourselves enthusiastic about the opportunities presented by generative AI. However, we believe it’s essential to exercise careful consideration and discernment when working with these new tools and technologies, given the potential security, privacy, legal, and ethical factors.

Illustration of man using a phone with a mock-up of the phone next to him

In our pursuit of establishing AI proficiency at Nerdery and enhancing the value we offer our clients, we've formulated the following guiding principles of AI use:

01: Build for people

Designers, developers and technologists should prioritize the needs and experiences of users, placing human values at the forefront when integrating AI into design processes.

02: Always iterate and review

Never settle for the first output an AI tool offers. Take the necessary time to rewrite prompts and work toward something that adds value.

03: Avoid biases

Actively work to identify and mitigate biases in AI algorithms and data sets, ensuring fairness and inclusivity in design outcomes.

04: Be responsible

Handle client data responsibly and adhere to data privacy, security, and compliance with relevant regulations and best practices when prompting an AI tool.

05: Consider implications

Carefully assess and address ethical implications associated with AI, such as biases, privacy concerns, and potential social impact.

06: Don’t remove yourself from the process

We should be mindful when crafting prompts and should always filter an AI tool’s output. Don’t abandon the human element to problem solving.

07: Reap the rewards

Leveraging AI and automation will offer new efficiencies, allowing developers and designers to collaborate more often and ultimately produce more in a shorter time frame.

08: Stay curious

Stay informed about advancements in AI technology, regulations, and ethical guidelines to continually adapt and improve your use of AI.

09: Take accountability

Organizations must take responsibility for the outcomes of AI-driven work. AI is only as powerful as the input from the person using the tool.

10: Vet new tools

Experiment and test the outputs and limitations of tools carefully before introducing their output to the public. Avoid tools and technologies with fake claims or tools that don’t align with your team’s mindset and mission.

Ultimately, artificial intelligence and automation will allow our team to create new and engaging experiences that advocate for humans, and that value accessibility, respect, transparency and intention.

We believe AI is only as powerful as the person prompting it. Our responsibility is to work to avoid biases and understand any societal implications when put into use. We encourage others to create similar principles for their own use of AI.

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