Software Quality Assurance Services

Build market-ready applications with premier software quality assurance

Maintaining impeccable software quality is vital for user trust. From combating user dissatisfaction to cutting costs and protecting your reputation, our software quality assurance services help you guarantee software excellence.

Quality assurance services that promote software excellence

Software excellence hinges on mastering two crucial aspects: comprehensive testing methodologies and strict compliance adherence. Our software quality assurance leverages these pillars to ensure the success of individual software applications as well as vast digital ecosystems.

Functional testing for flawless user experiences

Our software quality assurance services help you meticulously simulate real user scenarios. We delve into every aspect — workflows, UI elements, integrations, and databases — to guarantee a seamless user experience. Our detailed reports and improvement recommendations minimize product risks, elevating user satisfaction to new heights.

Mitigate risk with innovative test automation

We specialize in automation and deploy the latest tools to expedite testing processes, including regression, functional, system integration, and performance testing. Our software quality assurance services verify that testing tools are seamlessly integrated with your build and deployment processes for flawless operation.

Bolster your brand with accessibility assurance

Accessibility is an integral part of our process. We ensure compliance with global standards like WCAG and ADA, making your solutions accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. This commitment not only enhances user inclusivity but also fortifies your brand’s reputation for care and compliance.

Speed up development with expert-driven quality assurance

Our approach to software quality assurance blends expertise with innovation, creating immediate value for your users. Learn how our services reduce overhead and speed up software deployment.

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Collaborative engagement

From project initiation to deployment, our team works closely with you, providing full transparency on QA processes and their outcomes. This partnership fosters a deeper understanding of your needs and goals, leading to tailored solutions.

Innovative automation

Our software quality assurance process integrates test automation as a key tool, complemented by the invaluable insights of our experienced engineers. This combination provides thorough and efficient testing while considering all possible scenarios.

Fast-track generative AI services

Future-focused QA solutions

We believe in staying ahead of the curve. Our team is skilled not only in current best practices but also in anticipating and incorporating future trends in software quality assurance. This forward-thinking approach guarantees that your digital solutions remain competitive and cutting-edge.

Win brand loyalists with exceptional quality assurance


Only 4% of unhappy customers directly complain to companies about poor experiences, suggesting that QA can help identify and resolve issues that might otherwise go unreported​


67% cite bad experiences as a reason for churn**


Teams that integrate QA throughout the development process spend 22% less time on unplanned work***

*Understanding Customers, Ruby Newell-Legner
**What’s the Best Way to Train Your Customer Service Team?, Salesforce
***2016 State of DevOps Report, Puppet

Quality assurance deliverables that provide actionable insights

Our software quality assurance delivers tangible value at every phase of your project. With a focus on strategic outcomes and detailed deliverables, we ensure that every step in our process not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Here’s how we make it happen:

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Streamline testing with a quality assurance plan

This comprehensive document is the cornerstone of our software quality assurance. It outlines quality objectives, planning, control, and improvement strategies, ensuring a structured and effective QA process.

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Guide optimization with detailed test reports

Our software quality assurance reports provide thorough insights into each test conducted, including pass/fail status, bugs detected, and environments tested. These reports are instrumental in guiding further development and refinement.

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Minimize downtime with comprehensive bug reports

Our bug reports are crafted to give developers a clear understanding of each issue, enabling efficient and effective resolutions. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and enhances product quality.

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Enhance the user experience through performance data

Our QA testing yields quantifiable performance metrics such as load times, response times, and server requests. Insights extracted from this data are crucial for optimizing your software’s performance and enhancing user experience.

customized solutions

Track progress with documented test cases

Every test scenario or case executed is documented, along with their results — helping you track progress and provide comprehensive coverage.

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Implementation of this product required skill set and integration of technology new to our team (Mobile and consumer-facing UX, Bluetooth Low Energy, multi-platform mobile applications with extensive robustness and security considerations). Nerdery has been key in helping us develop and integrate these areas.

— Client, Leading Medical Device Company

Case Study | Innovating Cardiac Care with a global MedTech company

Cardiac Care Case Study image


A MedTech company faced a significant challenge in updating its cardiac care technology. The existing bedside monitors for implantable cardiac monitors (ICM) needed to be updated, impacting both patient experience and clinical efficiency. Their goal was to enhance electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring for various conditions. This transition required developing new mobile apps for patients and clinicians and ensuring these apps met stringent medical standards and FDA approval within a tight timeline.


In response, the MedTech company collaborated with Nerdery to create two interconnected mobile apps — one designed for patients and the other for clinicians. These apps enabled real-time transmission of cardiac data and symptoms, fostering faster and more accurate diagnoses. To meet the high demands of medical software, we implemented extensive test automation, allowing for rapid testing cycles without compromising on quality. This solution was rolled out in two phases:

  1. Phase 1 involved developing a dedicated Android app provided to users by the MedTech company.
  2. Phase 2 expanded the scope significantly, including an iOS version, to ensure availability on Google Play and Apple’s App Store.


The outcome of this collaboration was twofold:

  1. Enhanced patient and clinician experience: The new mobile apps transformed the cardiac monitoring process, making it more secure, efficient, and user-friendly for patients and clinicians.
  2. Streamlined testing and faster time-to-market: With the advanced test automation strategies, the MedTech company could significantly reduce test cycle times. This acceleration allowed for quicker product launches and updates, ensuring that the latest cardiac monitoring technology was readily available to those in need. Additionally, by expanding to user-owned devices, the reach and impact of these apps were greatly amplified.
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