Cloud Development Services

Optimize and innovate with our cloud development services

Cloud development can bring innovation and competitive advantage. This type of development requires a shift to building and running applications in the cloud. Whether you’re migrating existing systems or creating new cloud applications from scratch, our cloud development services drive growth and efficiency, allowing you to focus on what truly matters — your core business objectives.

Empower your business with cloud development solutions

We combat application siloes through modernization, migration, and integration, helping enhance user experience and business viability. From cloud-native apps to seamless migrations and tailored infrastructure, we drive efficiency and growth.

Cloud development services, real results

From cloud-native application development to advanced analytics and machine learning, we empower you to build, manage, and leverage cloud technologies for unmatched business agility and growth.

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Cloud-native application development

Design and build applications specifically for cloud environments. We optimize cloud applications for scalability, resilience, and cost-efficiency, ensuring your apps thrive under growing demands.

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Cloud infrastructure design and management

Customize your cloud infrastructure to fit your business and performance requirements. We design and deploy servers, storage, and networking solutions to form a robust foundation for your operations.

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Cloud consulting

Get expert guidance on cloud strategy, architecture, and technology choices. Our consulting services help you navigate cloud adoption complexities to make informed, value-driven decisions.

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Cloud integration

Seamlessly integrate cloud-based applications with your existing systems and third-party services. We build for complete interoperability and enhanced functionality, maximizing the benefits of your cloud investment.

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Data analytics and machine learning

Get the most out of your data with our cloud-based analytics and machine learning services. We build and deploy data pipelines, analytics tools, and machine learning models that allow you to analyze growing data sets faster than ever.

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Make sure your applications are always ready. Our automate-everything approach allows for rapid, reliable delivery of new features and updates. By integrating CI/CD pipelines, we catch issues early, reduce downtime, and keep your software running smoothly.

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Cloud Security

Protect your customers and your business. Using cloud security best practices, we implement advanced encryption, access controls, and continuous threat monitoring. By proactively managing security protocols and vulnerabilities, we instill confidence in your cloud security.

Our process: Efficient, agile, and cutting-edge

Embrace a future where your cloud capabilities are limitless and your business goals are within reach. We transform your cloud journey with a robust, four-phase approach that addresses your pain points and unlocks new possibilities.

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Build agile, scalable government solutions on Google Cloud Platform with Nerdery’s expertise.

Public Sector Cloud

Cloud solutions increase productivity and profit


Investing in custom software to streamline operations and automate tasks can improve productivity by 20-30% on average*


In a survey of 1300 global executives, 55% of survey respondents expect the cloud to increase revenue**


Enterprises in the six regions surveyed can add up to $414 billion in net new profits annually through effective cloud adoption***

*A future that works: Automation, employment, and productivity, McKinsey & Company
**MAKING BUSINESS THRIVE. A Cloud Leader Roadmap for Achieving 10x ROI, Wipro
***Infosys Cloud Radar 2021

Transformative cloud development practices

Nerdery’s blend of proven methodologies and custom deliverables ensures your cloud journey is efficient and transformative. Here’s how we do it:

Agile Digital Product Consulting

Agile methodology

We use agile practices for flexibility and rapid value delivery, adapting quickly to your dynamic needs.

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DevOps excellence

Our DevOps approach ensures seamless interoperability and continuous integration — delivering faster, more reliable outcomes.

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Serverless computing

By leveraging serverless architecture, we eliminate infrastructure headaches, allowing you to focus on innovation.

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Containerization and IaC

We utilize Docker and infrastructure as code to create consistent, scalable environments, reducing manual errors and boosting efficiency.

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Platform development

We leverage cloud platforms to build, test, deploy, and manage applications, providing a robust foundation for your digital solutions.

“Every element of this project with Nerdery has been a success.”

— Kristina Crane, Chief Strategy Officer, STChealth

Case Study | Cloud application migration supports the needs of 2.5 million World Cup attendees

STChealth and Nerdery


Scientific Technologies Corporation (STC Health) needed to expand its business reach and upgrade its immunization software system. The need to support the Qatari Public Health Department during the world’s largest soccer tournament, the World Cup, heightened the urgency to evolve the system. This event, drawing an international crowd, necessitated a robust, globally accessible platform for managing vaccination records, particularly given the projected influx of 2.5 million attendees.


To address this challenge, STC Health selected Nerdery, recognizing our exceptional technical expertise and proven track record in swiftly delivering scalable solutions. Our approach involved modernizing their existing SaaS application to enhance its intuitiveness and user-friendliness. We also performed an application migration to a cloud-based infrastructure, ensuring reliable global access. Everything was completed within the timeframe needed for the international event.


Within weeks, STC Health successfully deployed the revamped application, now equipped to manage a diverse array of vaccination records from across the globe. The new system’s seamless functionality played a pivotal role in efficiently handling the health data of the 2.5 million tournament attendees. This outcome significantly bolstered STC Health’s position as a leader in global health management and showcased our cloud application migration expertise.

Partnership that magnifies your capabilities

Choosing Nerdery extends your services and expertise, providing access to digital platform experts with over two decades of ideation experience. You also benefit from partnerships with the biggest names in technology.

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